Assignments : How To Enable Student Submission Notifications

Assignments : How To Enable Student Submission Notifications

You have the ability to receive notifications when your students complete an assignment submission.

Configuring Submission Notifications

    1. Access the assignment for which you would like to enable notifications.
    2. Click Edit settings in the Administration block.
    3. Scroll to the Notifications section.

  1. Select Yes for the Notify graders about submissions option. You will now receive a message whenever a student submits an assignment, regardless of the status of that submission (early, on-time, or late).
    • Select Yes for the Notify graders about late submissions option if you would only like to receive messages regarding late submissions. Please note that you will need a due date programmed for this feature to function correctly.
  2. If Yes is selected for Default setting for “Notify students” the Notify Students checkbox will automatically be selected on the grading form when grading student submissions.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click either Save option.