Quizzes: How to Review Quiz Attempts and Statistics

Quizzes: How to Review Quiz Attempts and Statistics

Reviewing Quiz Attempts

Access the quiz you would like to grade.

Click the Attempts hyperlink. None of your students have attempted the quiz if there is no hyperlink.

The next screen shows the students that have attempted the quiz along with their grades. Also, you will see the date the quiz was taken along with other specific information (if the quiz is finished or in progress, when the quiz was started and completed, the time take, the total grade, and the grades for each question).

By clicking Review Attempt underneath a student’s name, you will be able to review their entire attempt and see their answer choices. Any necessary overrides to their grade can be made from here, as well.

You may also choose to delete a student’s attempt from the Attempts page. Click the check box to the left of his or her name and click the Delete selected attempts button at the bottom of the list. This will give the student another try on the quiz (if only one attempt is allowed).

Reviewing Quiz Statistics

Access the quiz you would like to grade.

Locate the Administration block and expand the Results menu; click Statistics.

The Statistics page will display several data options including the average grade of all attempts, the median grade, the standard deviation, and more. You may also choose to download the full report as an Excel document.

The full report will provide the standard quiz information such as quiz name, number of attempts, average grade, and median grade. The full report will also provide detailed information for each question, such as the correct answer and how many students chose the correct answer.

This information can also be accessed by clicking on the name of a question from the statistics page.