Moodle User Profile: Forum Subscription and Notification Options

Moodle User Profile: Forum Subscription and Notification Options

Forum Subscriptions and Notifications

E-mail notification settings can be adjusted in the profile settings. To view and/or change these settings:

  1. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of any Moodle page.
  2. Select Preferences from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Forum Preferences under User Account.
  4. You should see a list of options:forum preferences

Email Digest Type

  1. The Email Digest Type menu allows you to choose the content and the number of e-mails you’ll receive daily regarding forum posts.

  • No digest will send you one email per each post in any forum you’re subscribed to.
  • Complete will send you one email per day that documents each forum post including full text.
  • Subjects will send you one email per day with only the subject line from each post made.

Forum Auto-subscribe

Forum auto-subscribe will allow you to automatically be subscribed to a forum after you make a post.forum_subscribe

Forum Tracking

Forum Tracking will allow you to see what forums have new posts (and how many) when logging in to your course. Also, if you choose to receive forum post notifications, you can choose to have new posts highlighted in your course or to mark the posts as read.

forum tracking