Access your school’s Moodle page and locate the You are not logged in. (Login) hyperlink; this link is typically in the top right-hand corner. Click the hyperlink.
Enter your username and password into the Username and Password fields. Please contact Technical Support at if you have not received your credentials; they can help you identify with whom you need to get in touch. Click Login once you have entered your credentials.
The Home page will appear again, but you will now be logged in. You are not logged in will have changed to You are logged in as (Your name).
Note: You will be directed to a Site policy agreement upon your first login; read the Terms of Use and indicate if you agree to the terms by clicking Yes or No at the bottom of the page. You will only have to accept these terms once.
Locate the Login block on the left or right side of the Home page, and enter your username and password into the Username and Password fields. Please contact Technical Support at if you have not received your credentials; they can help you identify with whom you need to get in touch. Click Login once you have entered your credentials.
The Home page will appear again, but you will now be logged in. You are not logged in will have changed to You are logged in as (Your name).
Note: You will be directed to a Site policy agreement upon your first login; read the Terms of Use and indicate if you agree to the terms by clicking Yes or No at the bottom of the page. You will only be prompted to accept these terms once.