- Click the gear icon in the top right corner of your course page and then select Turn Editing On.
- Use the Edit hyperlink to the right of the item you would like to hide from students and select Hide.
- To hide an entire module from student view, click the Edit hyperlink to the right of a module and select Hide Topic.
Reopening Course Content to Students
- Click the gear icon in the top right corner of your course page and then select Turn Editing On.
- Use the Edit hyperlink to the right of the item you would like to display to students to select Show. (If an item is hidden, the eye icon will have a line through it and the item will be greyed out.)
- To reveal an entire module to students, click the Edit hyperlink to the right of a module and select Show Topic
Note: Check each activity and resource when opening a module to ensure that the eye icon indicates visible (open eye) and not hidden (open eye with a line over it). Opening a module will not automatically open an activity or resource that was individually hidden.