Grades: How to Access, Review, And Edit Grades

Grades: How to Access, Review, And Edit Grades

Accessing and Reviewing Grades
  1. Locate the Navigation Drawer on the left and click the Grades
  2. The screen will refresh to the Grader Report. This screen will display all students and their grades by assignment, as well as the course total (available by scrolling to the right).

Editing a Grade

Grading assignments at the activity level is highly recommended. However, grades can be entered or overridden in the Grader Report (please note this may cause issues with the grade calculations). Also, manual grade items will be entered in the Grader Report (these items only appear in the gradebook and not in the course as an activity that can be graded).

  1. Locate the Navigation Drawer on the left and click the Grades
  2. The screen will refresh to the Grader Report. This screen will display all students and their grades by assignment, as well as the course total (available by scrolling to the right).
  3. There are two options for entering manual grades:
    1. Click on a grade entry box; two input boxes will appear. The first is for a numerical grade, and the second is to provide written feedback available only to the student. Click out of the box once you are finished to save the changes.
      • This option may not be available on your portal if the boxes do not appear when you click a grade entry. Please use the second option.
    2. Click Turn Editing On in the top right corner. This will cause the two input boxes to appear, but you will also receive an Edit Grade icon that looks like a gear (or in some instances, a pencil).

edit grade icon

Click the icon to access a grading page. On this page, you will be able to enter a numerical grade, type written feedback available only to the student, edit any override, or change a hidden or lock setting for this particular grade. Click Save changes when you are finished.

overriden grades