Accessing the Chat
Click the chat activity to enter the chat room.
You will receive two or three options upon entry:
● Click here to enter the chat now: This directs you to the chat room using the site’s default chat method.
● Use more accessible interface: This displays a simpler chat room that does not have frames or JavaScript.
● View past chat sessions: This option appears if there have been previous sessions that the instructor has made available to students.
Any participants currently active in the chat room will also be listed on this screen.
Using the Chat
The screen is in two parts; the chat conversation is on the left, and participants are listed on the right. You can type your message in the text box at the bottom of the screen. There are also two theme options to choose from: Bubbles, Compact, or Course Theme.
Chat Features
- Smileys: Emoticons will display correctly.
- Emoting: You can start a message with /me to emote. For example, if your name is John and you type, “/me John agrees,” everyone will see “John agrees.”
- Beeps: You can send a noise to other users by clicking beep next to their name in the participants list.
- HTML: HTML coding is recognized in the message box.