Please contact your instructor or contact’s support if you have questions about the Turnitin website.

Submitting a Turnitin Assignment

Submitting a Turnitin Assignment is similar to submitting a regular assignment in Moodle.

  1. Access the assignment by clicking it from the main course page.
  2. The Start Date (the date the assignment opens to submissions), Due Date, and Post Date (the date the grades will be posted) will display.tisubmission
  3. When you are ready to upload your paper, please select the Submit Paper link.
  4. Enter a Submission Title in the field provided.
  5. There are two ways to select your file:
    1. Option 1 is to drag your file into the area pictured below:tidragdrop
    2. Option 2: Select the Add button  , select Browse, locate and select your file, click Upload this file, and then finally Add Submission.
  1. Your file will be listed on the My Submissions page after it has been submitted. After the grade has been posted, you will also be able to see your grade and originality report in the Similarity column.